Environmental Protection And Waste Management Policy
Environmental Protection And Waste Management Policy
In our operations, we protect the environment, prevent its pollution, and place emphasis on environmental preservation by minimizing our negative impact.
- We observe the legal regulations and try to reduce our impact on the environment.
- We exercise due diligence in effectively sorting our wastes by source, groups and danger classes.
- We understand that using hazardous materials and chemicals only when needed and only as much as needed reduces both the negative environmental impact and the amount of waste,
- When purchasing materials for our business, we prefer those having “recyclable” and “eco-friendly” labels in order to contribute to the protection of nature. We try to create opportunities for reuse,
- We care for using only as much as needed such disposable materials as paper, tissues, toilet rolls and packaging in order to produce less waste for the nature,
- We properly store wastes, sorted according to their properties, in separate areas, deliver them to licensed/authorized companies within the legal storage period, and maintain the related records,
- We try to make economic use of all natural resources, including water and energy. We share this feeling of sensitivity with our employees, guests and suppliers.
- We measure our environmental management performance, keep track of these data against the targets and try to develop our performance.
- We aim to educate and raise awareness of our employees regarding the environment.